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Riggins and The Hypnotist

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Riggins was a gem. A real Army reject, he had a withered right arm that as a shooting arm was a foot shorter than his left. His face typically Appalachian, held a perpetual shit-eating grin. With the green eyes, equally green teeth and the high, sunken cheek bones, Riggins epitomized the look of the two youths playing banjoes on the bridge in the movie "Deliverance".

Jack still asks himself why was this young man in the service, much less the Airborne.

Riggins worked in the messhall and knowing Jack's desire to hypnotize someone, volunteered to be his first subject. After attending a show at the enlisted mens Service Club, Jack was so impressed with the actions of the hypnotized person that he knew he had to know how to do this phenomenal act.

Before long his manual arrived and he fervently studied for his initial show. Using his dog-tags as a charm, he caused the periapt to pendulum in front of Riggs, while chanting. "You are sleepy, your eyelids are heavy and you are under my power". This went on for several minutes and Riggins with his green eyes closed and his  green teeth no longer showing, Jack assumed Riggins was sleeping.

The book said to be sure that the "subject" was ready, the best method to test was to touch with a hot match. By now the subject's head lay askew on his chest and appeared to be asleep. With most smokers at the time using the famous Zippo lighter, finding a match presented quite a problem. Finally they found a match. Jack struck it, blew it out and touched the still hot tip to Riggins arm. No reaction whatsoever. Voila! Ready to proceed. With Riggins finally under his spell Jack started to have him do certain things. Nothing out of the ordinary, just simple acts such as barking like a dog, meowing like a cat.

Suddenly and without warning, Riggins stopped complying with Jack's commands. He fell to the floor. Concerned, everyone hurried to see if he was hurt. After several moments he began to laugh uncontrollably. The joke was on Jack. He could not understand how Riggs had the fortitude to withstand the hot match.

Hypnosis was never attempted again by Jack