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The Human Torch

Another good guy, Cpl.William H. Real was busted because of his friend.

Pablo Holguin and Real were Chicanos from L.A. Real was older and much more mature. Real, paunchy, stereotypical, whose name in movies would have been Pancho-short, squat older appearing had nut-brown features. Pablo wore glasses, appearing studious. Except for being Mexican, they had little else in common. Hoagy was in his teens, Real in his early thirties.

Among the crazy shit Hoagy did was to take a mouthful of lighter fluid and spit into or at a lighter. This went on for months. All the guys would be sitting around and the loud whoof was really exciting.

It all came to an end one night in the weapons platoon's barracks. The big ball of flame that they had become so familiar with, turned into a nightmare for these two men. The orange-colored flame didn't cooperate and some fluid mixed with spittle ran down the side of the younger   man's cheek. afi012.gif (13858 bytes)

The fire, hot and angry, seeking something else to consume, found Holguin's hair. Hoagy,  blinded by the light, panicked and headed for the balcony. They were on the second floor and three men with blankets tackled him and rolled him over to extinguish the flames. Not badly burned, but terribly shaken, Hoagy cost his buddy Real two stripes.

It may have been unfair, but they had to blame somebody. A soldier is Government Issue. This is where the initials G.I. are derived. In the Army's opinion the soldier is their property and is assigned a number like he is equipment. A soldier unable to perform duties due to his own negligence is liable for court-martial procedures. So because Real was present, ranking NCO and hadn't taken care of this piece of equipment, Hoagie, both were court-martialed and fined.